August 7, 2024
By Cybervergent Team

New Android RAT "BingoMod" Targeting Financial Accounts

In late May 2024, theCleafy TIR team uncovered a new Android Remote Access Trojan (RAT) named BingoMod.This sophisticated malware leverages advanced techniques to initiate moneytransfers from compromised devices, aiming to bypass bank countermeasures andevade detection.

Key Features andCapabilities

  • On-Device Fraud (ODF):=BingoMod performs Account Takeover (ATO) directly on the infected device, circumventing traditional behavioral detection systems employed by banks.
  • Remote Access:  The malware uses VNC-like functionality to remotely control the device, allowing attackers to conduct financial transactions as if they were the  legitimate user.
  • Overlay Attacks: BingoMod can create fake screens over legitimate apps to steal user credentials and other sensitive information.
  • SMS Interception:  It monitors and intercepts SMS messages to capture transaction authentication numbers (TANs) and other crucial details.
  • Accessibility Services Exploitation: The malware exploits these services to perform key-logging, steal credentials, and manipulate the device without the user's knowledge.
  • Self-Destruction: Post-transaction, BingoMod can wipe the device, erasing any evidence of its presence and hindering forensic investigations.

Distribution and Targets

BingoMod is distributed viasmishing (SMS phishing) campaigns, masquerading as legitimate securityapplications. Once installed, it targets users primarily in English, Romanian,and Italian-speaking regions, with a specific focus on retail banking customers.

Technical Analysis

  • Initial Setup: After installation, the malware requests activation of Accessibility Services, a common method to gain extensive control over the device.
  • Data Theft: It steals credentials, SMS messages, and account balances, using this  information to facilitate fraudulent transactions.
  • Remote Commands: BingoMod supports around 40 remote control commands, including screen  interaction and app manipulation.
  • Obfuscation: Developers are actively experimenting with obfuscation techniques toreduce detection rates by antivirus solutions.

Development Stage

BingoMod is still in itsearly development phase. Its creators are focusing on evading detection ratherthan adding complex functionalities. Notably, comments within the malware codesuggest the developers may be Romanian speakers, hinting at potential geographicorigins.


  • User Vigilance: Users should be cautious about installing apps from unknown sources and be wary of SMS messages prompting them to download software.
  • Banking Security: Financial institutions should enhance their behavioral detection systems to identify and mitigate on-device fraud activities.
  • Forensic Readiness: Security teams should be prepared to handle cases involving device wiping and employ advanced techniques to recover data from compromised devices.


BingoMod represents asignificant threat to mobile banking users, combining stealthy data theft,remote control capabilities, and self-destruction mechanisms. While stilldeveloping, its evolving obfuscation techniques and targeted approach highlightthe increasing sophistication of mobile malware.

Stay vigilant and ensurerobust security measures to protect against this emerging threat.